6 Tips for Finding Amazon Products Your Audience Will Love

Perfect Amazon Affiliate Products_Pretty Links

Ahh, the Amazon Affiliate Program… aka Amazon Associates. Where the outrageous number of products can make you feel like a kid in a candy store – thrilling but overwhelming enough to give you (and your audience) a digital tummy ache.

Don't worry, we got you! We'll help you sort through all the clutter and find products that perfectly align with your audience's tastes and needs. Think of this as creating your own curated candy jar, filled with items that aren't just eye-catching, but real crowd-pleasers that add to your bottom line.

In this article, we'll talk about what makes the Amazon Associates Program a staple in the affiliate marketing diet. Then, we'll walk you through the process of selecting those A-list products that not only draw attention but also resonate with your target audience.

An Introduction to the Amazon Associates Program (and Why You May Want to Join)

When it comes to affiliate marketing, the name of the game is connecting your audience to products they can't resist. That's where Amazon Associates really stands out as a prime choice. I mean, we're talking about a product catalog so vast (over 75 million options), it's practically a playground for niche marketers.

Whether your audience is into high-tech gadgets, eco-friendly kitchenware, or obscure book genres, Amazon has you covered.

Now, on to Amazon's undeniable presence in the ecommerce world. With a jaw-dropping 2.2 billion monthly visitors from the U.S. alone, Amazon is more than a marketplace; it's a household name. It's the place people go to for everything from last-minute birthday gifts to pantry staples.

Chances are, your audience doesn't just know Amazon; they shop it regularly. And that built-in trust is a big deal when it comes to affiliate marketing. Plus, it's a serious leg up in turning casual browsers into committed buyers.

The Amazon Associates program - Affiliate Products on Amazon

So, how do you get in on this? If you're a content creator who owns a qualifying website or mobile app, joining is as easy as logging in with your existing Amazon account. Once Amazon gives your application the green light, you’re officially on board as an Amazon Associate.

Upon acceptance, you’ll receive an Associate ID, which is essentially your key to the affiliate kingdom. This allows you to craft affiliate links for a broad swath of Amazon's product selection.

The next step is weaving these affiliate links into your website's content, effectively turning it into a marketplace for Amazon products that your audience will appreciate. Every time a visitor clicks through and makes a purchase, you score a percentage of the sale.

And if the idea of long, clunky URLs doesn’t sit well with you, Pretty Links can help you shorten and brand Amazon links for a cleaner look on your marketing platforms:

Shorten long Amazon affiliate links into short, Pretty Links

6 Tips for Finding Your Amazon Affiliate Product Picks

Amazon is like a gigantic store with aisles that go on forever. If the huge selection is making your head spin, don't worry. We've got your back.

Together, we'll sort through this maze and find the Amazon affiliate products that'll get your audience excited enough to click “Add to Cart.”

Tip 1: Zero In On Your Specialty

Amazon is a vast marketplace that tries to offer something for everyone, but when it comes to affiliate marketing, being a generalist won't do you many favors.

That's why honing in on a specific niche is key. Focusing on a targeted range of products helps set clear expectations for your audience. It's like they know what aisle to find you in every time they visit your online “store.”

This sort of predictability isn't just comforting; it's essential for building a strong brand and pulling in folks who are actually interested in what you're promoting.

So, pick a niche that aligns with your existing content. If you're all about parenting hacks, for instance, it's a no-brainer to highlight items from Amazon's baby section:

Amazon niche product example

The aim here is to make your product recommendations feel like a natural extension of your content, not a jarring sidestep. Sticking with the parenting example, pitching classic car parts on your blog would likely miss the mark and not convert well.

Tip 2: Find Trending Products in Your Niche

Alright, you've picked your niche, and that's awesome. But don't stop there. You've got to know which products are the crowd-pleasers within your chosen playground.

Here's the inside scoop: Amazon has a few nifty pages that help make it easier to find the hottest items in each category.

First up, let's talk about the “Best Sellers” page. This is like the Billboard chart for Amazon products, showing you what's flying off the virtual shelves right now. By featuring chart-toppers on your site, you're promoting products people already want, making it easier to turn clicks into cash.

Amazon's Best Seller Product page

Now, if you're thinking long-term, check out the “New Releases” page. This shows you what's up-and-coming, even stuff that's only available for pre-order. It's like a sneak peek into the future of your niche, letting you get your content ready for when those products drop.

Amazon's New Releases product page

Don't sleep on the “Movers & Shakers” page, either. This shows you the products that are climbing the popularity charts fast. Spotting a rising star here can let you ride the trend before everyone else does.

Amazon's Movers and Shakers product page

Meanwhile, you'll want to keep tabs on the “Most Wished For” and “Gift Ideas” pages. These show you what people are putting on their wishlists or gifting to others. Prime real estate for affiliate links, especially when folks are in the buying mood around the holidays.

Amazon's Gift Ideas product page.

Whether you're planning your next blog post or just looking for something fresh to feature, Amazon's site is super easy to navigate to help you find products that not only fit your niche but are also primed to convert.

Tip 3: Use Keyword Research to Find What People Really Want

Once you've got the hang of finding cool stuff on Amazon's special pages, let's go one step further to bring some search engine optimization (SEO) magic into the picture. Here's where a tool like sonar (by Perpetua) can help.

Identify the best Amazon Associate keywords, using the Sonar tool.

Sonar tells you exactly what words people are typing into Amazon when they want to buy something. This gives you invaluable insight into the specific keywords that are driving purchases.

For example, if you're putting together a listicle of the best coffee machines on the market, Sonar can identify which brands are frequently searched for on Amazon:

The Sonar Amazon Associates keyword research tool.

By featuring products that align with these high-traffic keywords, you're not only giving your audience what they want but also what they're actively looking for.

Tip 4: Stars Matter! Chase those Top Ratings

Now, let's pivot to another super important aspect: Product Reviews. Products with stellar reviews practically sell themselves. Aim for items that boast an average rating of 4 stars or more. These are usually high-quality picks that people already love, making your job of promoting them a whole lot easier.

Top rated product example on Amazon

Don't just look at the overall star rating; dig deep into those reviews. Why are people giving five stars to that vacuum cleaner? Does it pick up pet hair like a champ? These are the details that can make your promotions stand out. Highlight these features, and you're likely to strike a chord with potential buyers.

Reading reviews can also offer a unique opportunity to sidestep potential pitfalls. If you also see a bunch of people complaining that a product fell apart after two uses, that's valuable info. You might decide to avoid that product or at least be honest about its downsides in your promotional content.

Amazon Product Review Example that Highlights Pros and Cons
Great Amazon Product Review Example that Highlights Pros and Cons

By aligning your product picks with high customer ratings and reviews, you're not just showing your audience some random items; you're showing them vetted, trusted products that they're likely to love as much as others have.

Tip 5: Pay Attention to Amazon Prime Perks

If you're not already tuned into the Amazon Prime phenomenon, now's the time to hop on the bandwagon. Amazon has mastered the art of quick and hassle-free shopping, and a lot of that has to do with their Prime membership perks.

You've probably seen that little “Prime” logo next to a lot of items while browsing. Well, that logo isn't just for show. It means those items come with free shipping, often as fast as the same day!

Amazon Prime logo

Why should you care about Prime as an affiliate marketer? Simple: products with Prime shipping are hot sellers. People are way more likely to buy something if they don't have to pay extra for speedy shipping.

So when you're picking products to display, consider adding an “Available on Amazon Prime” button next to qualifying products on your list:

How to promote Amazon Prime products with Pretty Links Product Displays

That way, you're not just saying, “Hey, this product rocks“; you're also saying, “It could even be at your doorstep by tomorrow.” That one-two punch can seriously boost your conversions!

Tip 6: Mix Up Your Price Range

Alright, let's get down to the nitty-gritty: the price tag.

You might be eyeing those expensive items, thinking they'll give you a hefty commission. But hold on –those high-end products aren't impulse buys. People often take their sweet time mulling over whether to splurge, which could slow down your sales.

On the flip side, budget-friendly items are like the gum at the checkout line – easy for people to add to their cart without a second thought. That could mean faster sales and more frequent commissions for you.

What's the smartest move? Diversify.

Create Product Display Groups to Categories Products in a Blog Post
Create Product Display Groups to Categories Products in a Blog Post

Offer an assortment of products that span various price points. This gives your visitors the flexibility to choose something that aligns with their budget, making it easier for them to make a purchase.


The sweetest affiliate marketing success comes when you know what treats will make your audience's eyes light up. So, don't just grab the first shiny thing you see; go for the gems that will really resonate with your audience.

To sum up, here's how you score those winning products on Amazon:

  1. Know Your Niche Inside Out
  2. Catch the Wave of Trending Treats
  3. Word-Search Your Way to Success
  4. Aim for the Five-Star Sweets
  5. Add Some Prime Goodies
  6. Diversify Your Spread

Do all this, and you'll curate a candy jar – err, product list – that has something for everyone and will keep them coming back for more.

Do you have any questions about how to find high-converting Amazon Associates products? Let us know in the comments section!

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About Katelyn Gillis

Meet Katelyn: your go-to gal for all things digital marketing. Holding the fort as a Copywriter II, she’s the friendly voice behind the insightful Pretty Links blog articles you know and love. What sets Katelyn apart isn't just her deep devotion to topics like affiliate marketing, SEO, and link management; it's her knack for turning complicated jargon into fun, friendly advice. Katelyn doesn't simply write about the digital landscape, she navigates it daily; staying ahead of trends and changes to ensure her readers are always in the know. She’s not here to bombard you with facts either; she’s passionate about strengthening your online marketing strategies, helping you discover new paths and the potential they hold.




    February 9, 2023

    I'm new to amazon associates. Icanr seem to find a window in which I can type a product name then get my associate link to paste into my webpage. Btw - you blog above gave a lot od good points. Regards, Will

      Katelyn Gillis

      February 10, 2023

      Hi Will! Glad you enjoyed the read! But it sounds like you'll need to reach out to Amazon's support team for assistance on this one. Feel free to let us know what you find out!


    April 17, 2023

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!