Pretty Links | Pretty Links - Part 5

Social Media Tools_Pretty Links

7 Best Social Media Tools for Your Online Business

Social media marketing presents a huge opportunity for businesses, but it can also be a massive undertaking. Creating content and managing post schedules for multiple networks is challenging enough – and then you also have to engage with your followers. It’s truly a full-time job. Fortunately, there are plenty of social media tools on the…

URL redirect

How to Perform a URL Redirect in WordPress (In 3 Steps)

When you’re redesigning your website or updating old content, you may need to change a page’s URL. However, this can have a disastrous impact on the visitor experience and your search engine optimization (SEO). Fortunately, URL redirects help ensure that your readers and search engines will have no problems finding your content, even after changing…

Shortened URLs vs. Vanity URLs vs. Cloaked URLs

Shortened, vanity, and cloaked URLS… so many different terms, but what exactly do they mean? When it comes to affiliate marketing, it’s important to understand these terms for the sake of your online business’ success.  In this post, we’ll explore shortened, vanity, and cloaked URLs and how they can help you in your business. We’ll…

4 Ways Influencer Marketing Can Benefit You

Businesses and marketers need to create content that’s relevant to their audiences. So it’s important that you identify how you can do that, or you could be at a disadvantage. One of the best places to start is by tapping into the channels your target audience is already using. The right influencer, for example, can…

How You Can Use Chatbots to Increase Conversions

Chatbots are becoming a popular feature on many websites. However, they may seem difficult to implement at first glance. It’s easy to assume that adding a chatbot to your site will require advanced technical know-how. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways to implement and benefit from chatbots. That’s good news, since this technology is…