Social Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 5

How to Set Up Open Graph Meta Tags Using Pretty Links

One of the best ways to reach a wider audience is to share your content on social media. Unfortunately, simply sharing your content’s link on your profiles as-is leaves a lot of what gets posted to chance. Enter “Open Graph” meta tags. These elements, when used correctly, can boost your social media returns. In fact, meta…

3 Types of Brand Content to Post on Twitter

A social media presence is vital for any business. If your brand doesn’t invest in digital marketing channels, you could lose out on traffic and click-throughs. Worse, you may find that your competitors fill the void you leave. Twitter is a versatile platform for promoting your brand, especially since the content you post there can…

4 Ways Influencer Marketing Can Benefit You

Businesses and marketers need to create content that’s relevant to their audiences. So it’s important that you identify how you can do that, or you could be at a disadvantage. One of the best places to start is by tapping into the channels your target audience is already using. The right influencer, for example, can…

How to Create a Strong Social Media Brand (3 Tips)

The rise of social media has given way to a new marketing environment. Your website was probably once the primary focus of your online branding efforts. However, today, the first introduction many consumers will have to your brand is through social media. The good news is that social media can be a powerful tool to…

Social Media Linking_Pretty Links

5 Powerful Practices for Effective Social Media Linking

Social media is an important part of having a strong marketing strategy. How you incorporate social media linking on your platforms can either make or break the effectiveness of your campaigns. Social media linking can boost engagement, expand your reach, improve search engine optimization (SEO), and enhance your brand’s marketing efforts. Creating a clear linking…