Social Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 4

custom links in Instagram stories

How to Put Custom Links in Instagram Stories (3 Tips)

Instagram can be an effective tool for building your brand. However, it can be limiting in terms of how you include links in your content. If you’ve only been including one in your bio, you may be missing out on traffic and conversions. Fortunately, you can place a custom link directly in your Instagram Stories,…

ephemeral content

Ephemeral Content: What It Is and Why You Want It

In today’s crowded online world, many businesses struggle with figuring out how to reach their customers in effective ways. Much of the focus is on social media, which continues to grow rapidly. However, with so much competition, standing out can seem tough, if not impossible. One possible solution is ephemeral content – which is “temporary”…

Social Media Tools_Pretty Links

7 Best Social Media Tools for Your Online Business

Social media marketing presents a huge opportunity for businesses, but it can also be a massive undertaking. Creating content and managing post schedules for multiple networks is challenging enough – and then you also have to engage with your followers. It’s truly a full-time job. Fortunately, there are plenty of social media tools on the…

Optimize your brand on Instagram_Pretty Links

3 Ways You Can Optimize Your Brand on Instagram

If you don’t know how to optimize your brand on Instagram, then your marketing strategy might suffer. You run the risk of losing out on engagement and conversions over time. Fortunately, you can quickly make dramatic changes to your Instagram brand account, such as by using multi-grid layouts and having a consistent schedule. These strategies…

How to Set Up Open Graph Meta Tags Using Pretty Links

One of the best ways to reach a wider audience is to share your content on social media. Unfortunately, simply sharing your content’s link on your profiles as-is leaves a lot of what gets posted to chance. Enter “Open Graph” meta tags. These elements, when used correctly, can boost your social media returns. In fact, meta…