Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 41
4 Ways to Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines for Your Website’s Content
Catching the attention of potential visitors and customers is vital. However, in a saturated market, this is becoming more and more difficult. Your content needs to be attention-grabbing – and a strong headline is a great way to ensure that happens. A headline is often your first (and even only) chance to attract people’s attention…
Why Testimonials Can Improve Conversions (And How to Add Them to Your Site)
Increasing conversions is a primary goal for every business owner. However, in an ever-crowded market, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get noticed. Therefore, you need your website to stand out – but what’s the best way to do that? One of the most effective ways to increase conversions on your site is to provide ‘social…
How to Use Facebook as a Digital Marketing Tool
Anyone who runs a website knows that establishing a strong online presence is vital. The way you present yourself online can have a huge impact on the traffic and conversions your site receives. Using Facebook as a digital marketing tool can help build your online brand and boost sales tremendously. Facebook supplies a high level…
How to Write an Effective Call to Action for Your Website
For many websites, a primary goal is to make sales or encourage some other type of conversion. However, if your messaging is too vague, potential customers may not know what to do. This can make it a lot less likely that they’ll take desired actions. The good news is that you can resolve this problem…
5 Psychological Techniques You Can Use to Increase Conversions
Conversion is all about encouraging your site’s users to complete a specific action. In other words, you need to turn the average visitor into someone who is actively engaged. With so many competitors out there, this can be a tricky proposition. However, if you understand what makes your audience ‘tick’, you can tweak your content…