Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 43

3 Reasons to Establish a Linking Strategy for Your Affiliate Site

Hyperlinks are an essential element of your affiliate website, so it makes sense to spend a lot of time cultivating and organizing them. If you haven’t implemented a proper linking strategy on your site, you could be missing out on some valuable benefits. A linking strategy is a plan you create and implement that helps…

3 Ways to Build Backlinks to Your Affiliate Site

While your affiliate site’s credibility and traffic are crucial for business growth, your search engine rankings are just as important. The process of improving your site’s rankings may seem daunting, but adding backlinks provides a perfect solution. In short, backlinks can boost credibility, improve site traffic, and increase your rankings on search engines. These consequences…

3 Ways ‘Urchin Tracking Modules’ Can Improve Your Marketing Campaigns

Keeping track of your business campaigns – including those on social media or within your email newsletter – is crucial for making the most of your marketing efforts. Without tracking you can’t measure, understand, and replicate successful campaigns. Unfortunately, some can be difficult to track. That’s where Google’s Urchin Tracking Modules (UTMs) come in. This nifty…

4 Key Elements of a Traffic-Driving Social Media Profile

Once you’ve created a social media profile, take the time to polish it to its full potential. Your efforts can help build your brand and reach your audience. You have almost total control over your profile’s content – it’s up to you to make the most of it. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for beginners who…

How to Use Links Effectively in Guest Posts (3 Tips)

Whether you’re a new or seasoned website owner, it can be difficult to increase your reach and build your authority. This is especially true if you spend most of your time working on your own website and little time working on outreach and lead generation. Guest posting can help you build relationships and improve your brand…