Lists | Pretty Links - Part 3

Affiliate Marketing Blogging_Pretty Links

How to Add Affiliate Marketing to Your Blogging Business (In 3 Steps)

Running a blog isn’t always cheap. You’ll have to pay for hosting and a domain. You also probably use premium plugins and other tools. As your blog grows, you may find yourself looking for a way to support it financially, or even make extra income from it. While there are a variety of options, affiliate…

Update Your Blog_Pretty Links

How to Give Your Outdated Blog a Complete Makeover (In 5 Steps)

Blogging takes up a lot of time, whether you’re a small business owner, professional blogger, or marketing guru. If time is money, then you’ve most likely spent a lot of precious dollars writing content. Over time, those posts you worked hard to produce could become irrelevant or outdated, which might mean fewer readers and lost…

Profitable Niche_Pretty Links

How to Find a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Niche (In 3 Steps)

Affiliate marketing continues to grow in popularity. With marketing spending predicted to reach $8.2 billion by 2022, you might be looking to get in on the action. However, choosing the niche that can generate the most revenue can seem a little difficult. Fortunately, the process is actually quite simple. By doing a bit of research,…

Social Media SEO_Pretty Links

4 Ways Social Media Can Improve Your SEO Results

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex and ever-changing field. It can be hard to keep up with the latest changes and apply them to your website. Furthermore, getting SEO wrong can hurt your website’s rankings and online visibility. Fortunately, you can leverage social media to improve your SEO results. With the help of a…

First Online Sale_Pretty Links

4 Tips on How to Make Your First Online Sale

With U.S. affiliate marketing spending forecasted to reach $8.2 billion in 2022, your website could provide a valuable revenue stream. However, if you simply add the occasional affiliate URL to your site, you may struggle to make your first online sale. Fortunately, there are various ways to encourage visitors to interact with your affiliate links…