Lists | Pretty Links - Part 4

How to Handle a Review_PrettyLinks

How to Publicly Handle a Negative Review of Your Business (In 5 Steps)

Negative reviews happen – even to the best of us. However, you may be concerned about how a bad review might impact your business (and rightly so). After all, studies show that just one negative review can cost you 22% of your potential customers. The good news is, receiving a couple of negative reviews isn’t…

sms and email marketing_ Pretty Links

6 Ways to Combine SMS and Email Marketing

Email marketing is still among the top channels for businesses of all sizes to nurture and engage their audience. Not to mention, the marketing strategy also provides a tremendous return on investment (ROI) of nearly $46 per dollar spent.  SMS has similar potential to drive a significant ROI due to its accessibility and convenience for…

offline marketing

How to Use Affiliate Links in Your Offline Marketing Strategy (4 Ideas)

Affiliate marketing is a big business expected to reach $8.2 billion in the U.S. alone by 2022. If you run a local operation, you might be wondering how to get in on the affiliate action. Maybe you’ve tried a few times with little success. However, it is possible to incorporate affiliate links into your offline…

illustration of image seo

5 Tips for Better Image SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps your target audience find you by displaying your content in search engine results. You’ve probably implemented basic – or perhaps even advanced – SEO techniques on your website. However, if you haven’t worked on image SEO, you may be missing out on potential site traffic. By implementing SEO tactics for…

A woman worker cleaning with antivirus wet wipe a laptop and a working office desk before starting work for protect herself from bacteria and virus.

3 Ways You Can Freshen Up Your Old Blog Content

Knowing how to freshen up your old blog content is key to maintaining your site’s quality and visibility over time. However, the number of choices you have for improving your posts can make it seem like an overwhelming task. Fortunately, this process can be broken down into a few simple steps. By following some best…