Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 21

How to Market a Service Based Business_Pretty Links

How to Market a Service-Based Business (5 Key Tips)

Marketing a service-based business isn’t the same as marketing a product. You’re not selling something tangible that your customers can see or feel. You’re selling something intangible: your ability to deliver outstanding service and solve your customer’s problems. This makes your job a little trickier. The good news is, successfully marketing a service-based business is…

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How to Advance Your Affiliate Marketing Game (5 Strategies)

Do you feel it’s time to raise your affiliate marketing game? Perhaps your income from affiliate programs has been stagnant lately, or you want to explore other ways of promoting products to your audience. If embedding affiliate links into your content is not reaping the desired results, you might have to dig a little deeper.…


What Are Micro-Communities and Should You Start One?

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s hard to overstate the importance of social media. Unfortunately, it can take a lot of time to get right. You may sometimes feel as if you’re struggling to reach the audiences that will give you the greatest return on your efforts. Micro-communities have been getting a lot of…

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6 Ways to Combine SMS and Email Marketing

Email marketing is still among the top channels for businesses of all sizes to nurture and engage their audience. Not to mention, the marketing strategy also provides a tremendous return on investment (ROI) of nearly $46 per dollar spent.  SMS has similar potential to drive a significant ROI due to its accessibility and convenience for…

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Multi-Channel Attribution: What You Need To Know

Do you remember the million-dollar Number 55 bet between Will Smith and BD Wong at the Superbowl game in the movie Focus? If you haven’t seen the movie, Will Smith won the bet because he was aware of what we call multi-channel attribution.  Will Smith bet his entire weekend’s earnings that Margot Robbie would be…