Slug is already taken

Pretty Links 2.0.0 and newer should be far less affected by this type of conflict than prior 1.x.x versions. However, on occasion there will still be conflicts between the slug you're trying to use for a Pretty Links and some other content on your site.

  1. The first thing to do is try and visit the URL with the slug you're trying to use and see if anything obvious exists at that URL. If so, you'll need to change that item's slug before you can use it in Pretty Links.
  2. If nothing shows up from step 1 above, then most likely you have a Media Attachment item or a Menu Item (Appearance -> Menus) that has that slug reserved, so be sure to search and double check that there are not any conflicts from those two sources.
  3. The last option would be to use a plugin like Adminer or your webhost's phpMyAdmin tool to search your wp_posts table for anything with a “post_name” equal to the slug you're trying to use.
    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name LIKE '%slug-here%';
  4. If you're unable to find the conflict, feel free to fill out a support request and we will do our best to help you out. Providing admin access to your site in the support ticket is highly recommended as well.
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