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Pretty Bar isn’t working, or it’s 404-ing?

Pretty Bar isn’t working, or it’s 404-ing?

If your Pretty Bar is not showing properly, or is returning a 404 error page, please try the following to correct the problem:

  • Make sure that you are not using a pretty link that is secure (https) with an insecure target URL (http) or vice versa. This is a limitation of Cloaking type links.
  • Is your host HostGator? If so, HostGator is known for putting odd permissions or file ownerships on files. You will need to contact them to get the ownership/permissions set properly on the Pretty Links folder in /wp-content/plugins/pretty-link
  • Check that your files are CHMOD'd to 644 and your folders to 755 in the pretty link folder. Also, check that the file ownership is set properly. You can contact your hosting provider for help on both of these settings. Note that “ownership” is not the same between setups, and the host will have to check that this is correct, as we cannot guess what it should be in most cases.
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