4 Key Elements of a Traffic-Driving Social Media Profile

Once you've created a social media profile, take the time to polish it to its full potential. Your efforts can help build your brand and reach your audience. You have almost total control over your profile’s content – it's up to you to make the most of it. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for beginners who don't know where to start.
Certain key elements in your profile can increase the effectiveness of your efforts. Your profile can attract or repel potential customers based on the elements you include. By making the most of these key elements, you will see better results, such as increased traffic to your business’ website.
In this post, we’ll introduce you to four key elements of a traffic-driving social media profile. In addition, we’ll show you how to ensure each element is used expertly on your profiles, and explain how Pretty Links can help where appropriate. Let’s get started!
1. A Brand-Focused Username
The Marketo username is short and branded, enabling users to find them on all social media platforms.
A brand-focused username incorporates your brand name, or some portion of it, and links you to your industry. It distinguishes your business's social media profile from a personal one, as well. You should ensure that your user name is brand-focused, because it's the calling card of your social media profile.
A brand-focused username helps users easily find you on other social media platforms. It also makes it easy for search engines to include all of your profiles in industry search results. Here are three steps that will help you to create the ideal branded username:
- Find the keywords related to your website. If the most obvious branded username is already taken, use keywords to come up with suitable variations.
- Come up with a few variations of brand-focused usernames. You’ll want a few options to work with, especially as you go into the last step of the process.
- Use KnowEm to learn which of your pre-selected usernames is available across the most platforms. For consistency, choose the username that is available on the most social media platforms.
Your goal is to use the same username across all social media profiles. This helps build your brand consistency and makes it easier for your followers to connect with you on all your active platforms.
2. A Brand-Building Profile Image
HubSpot uses their well-known logo as their profile photo across all social media platforms.
Your profile image is the first thing that most social media users will see. As such, it needs to make a good impression. A brand-building image can help personalize your brand to ensure stronger connections with your customers. Plus, a trusted brand gets more traffic.
Choose the right image for your social media profiles by following the three steps below:
- Use your brand icon/logo. This is perhaps the easiest option, and the one that most branded companies choose. It's a clear and recognizable representation of your business.
- Ensure the image is clear. It’s important that social media users can see your image and immediately identify it. If it’s too difficult to make your usual brand icon clear enough as a small image, use a modified version that incorporates brand colors.
- Follow platform sizing requirements for best results. You can use a free online photo editor (such as Canva) to create a photo that meets requirements.
Similar to your username, it’s a good idea to use the same image across all your platforms. You can keep your social media profiles cohesive by doing so. This consistency builds your brand’s credibility and professionalism.
3. An Engaging Profile Biography
Mike Volpe uses mentions in his Twitter profile bio, while also keeping it direct and concise.
When a user clicks on your profile, you want to keep them there. An engaging biography ‘hooks’ the reader and furthers your branding. In addition, your profile bio can help qualify your leads: only those who are interested in the focus of your bio will click through to your website.
As one of the more complex elements of a social media profile, a bio can be overwhelming to write. Get off to a solid start with the two tips below:
- Be concise. You want to deliver the most important information about your brand, without boring the readers. Keep your writing tight and direct, and aim for fewer words when possible. Write freely, then trim to the essential words that convey your message.
- Use targeted keywords/hashtags/mentions. Depending on the platform, you can use these elements to call attention to your industry or your own work. Use 2–3 of the most relevant ones, and try to incorporate them into the bio itself.
As a good starting point, take a look at the social media bios of industry experts. You may find a pattern, or you may learn of an interesting new way to present yourself and your brand.
4. A Branded Website Link
A branded link on HubSpot's Facebook profile page.
A branded website link, as you would reasonably expect, is a link that includes your brand name. It’s typically shortened from a longer, less reader-friendly URL. Branded links look more trustworthy and professional to readers and can lead to increased click-throughs.
With Pretty Links, you can easily create a branded website link in just minutes. Aside from its variety of link shortening features, branded links are Pretty Links's specialty.
To get started, simply navigate to Pretty Links > Add New Link on the left side of your WordPress dashboard. From here, you'll be met with a number of options to design the most effective link for your needs:
You can choose the redirection type, add in the target URL (typically a landing page), and then create your own slug. Once you're done, click Create. Now you're ready to use your shortened, branded link within your social media profile!
Your social media profile is often the way that potential followers (and customers) 'meet' your brand. With that in mind, it’s important to make it as effective and engaging as possible. Maximizing your profile's potential can build customer connection and engagement, increase brand recognition and credibility, and lead to increased site traffic.
In this post, we’ve introduced you to four key elements to include in your social media profile. To quickly recap, they are:
- A brand-focused username.
- A brand-building photo.
- An engaging profile biography.
- A branded website link.
Do you have any questions about how to improve the traffic-driving abilities of your social media profile? Let us know in the comments section below!