link shortening | Pretty Links - Part 8

Pretty Links SEO

3 Ways Pretty Links Can Skyrocket Your Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a big deal for online businesses. It can boost targeted traffic and improve website credibility – both of which could contribute toward significant growth in business conversions and sales. However, you may be undermining your site’s potential through the use of inefficient, outdated, or incorrect optimization tactics. One way to improve your…

How to Implement 301 Redirects on Your Website

It goes without saying that if your site isn’t ranking well on major search engines, nobody will be able to find you. If you’ve worked hard at improving your ranking, then change your URL or move your website, it can all be unraveled in a flash. 301 redirects automatically send visitors and search engines to…

Link Shortening: The Secret Weapon to Social Media Marketing

Hidden behind the scenes of digital marketing is a little detail that has made the world of difference. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is at the heart of the internet’s evolution, and yet it’s an often-overlooked element until its format presents a problem. Unwieldy URLs can become something of an eyesore – and a hassle…