affiliate links | Pretty Links - Part 4

automation_Pretty Links

How to Put Your Affiliate Website on Auto-Pilot (3 Automation Tips)

If you’ve decided to start an affiliate website as part of your ecommerce strategy, you can pat yourself on the back. You’ve made a wise business decision. However, you might have realized by now that the promise of passive income isn’t as simple as it may sound. In contrast, affiliate marketing requires time and hard…

Build an Audience for Your Affiliate Marketing Blog _Pretty Links

How to Build an Audience for Your Affiliate Marketing Blog (5 Ways)

Whether you’re just getting started with your affiliate marketing blog or you’re hoping to revamp one, you’ll want to design a site that leads to conversions. Perhaps you’ve found your audience, but it’s small and you’d like it to grow so you can really see results. However, this is easier said than done. Fortunately, there…

3 Link Cloaking Benefits for Your Affiliate Marketing Business

There’s a lot of misinformation around the concept of “link cloaking”. If you dabble in affiliate marketing, you might have heard about link cloaking and why you shouldn’t do it. However, there’s nothing inherently wrong with it. In fact, it can be a highly beneficial practice if you’re serious about your affiliate business. Link cloaking…


Pretty Links: The Best Affiliate Link Management Plugin

If you make any part of your living through affiliate marketing, you know it’s not as simple as it appears. There are many moving parts involved. Between adding links, creating disclosures, and monitoring metrics, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are link management plugins available designed to benefit affiliate marketers. A plugin can help…

Advanced Affiliate Marketing_Pretty Links

How to Advance Your Affiliate Marketing Game (5 Strategies)

Do you feel it’s time to raise your affiliate marketing game? Perhaps your income from affiliate programs has been stagnant lately, or you want to explore other ways of promoting products to your audience. If embedding affiliate links into your content is not reaping the desired results, you might have to dig a little deeper.…