Everything You Need to Know About Link Cloaking - Part 38
March 29, 2021 John Hughes Lists
How to Use Affiliate Links in Your Offline Marketing Strategy (4 Ideas)
Affiliate marketing is a big business expected to reach $8.2 billion in the U.S. alone by 2022. If you run a local operation, you might be wondering how to get in on the affiliate action. Maybe you’ve tried a few times with little success. However, it is possible to incorporate affiliate links into your offline…
March 22, 2021 John Hughes Affiliate Marketing
Blocklisted Links: What They Are and How to Combat Them
As an affiliate marketer, links are a vital aspect of your business. However, search engines, such as Google, blocklist thousands of new URLs every day. If one of yours appears on this list, your site could vanish from search engine results. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this – no matter how many links you…
March 15, 2021 John Hughes How Tos
How to Perform a URL Redirect in WordPress (In 3 Steps)
When you’re redesigning your website or updating old content, you may need to change a page’s URL. However, this can have a disastrous impact on the visitor experience and your search engine optimization (SEO). Fortunately, URL redirects help ensure that your readers and search engines will have no problems finding your content, even after changing…
March 8, 2021 Nathan Tyler How Tos
How to Increase Your Affiliate Revenue with Image Maps
The affiliate marketing space in WordPress is crowded. Every day, hundreds of websites compete against each other to publish content that promotes products beneficial to their target audiences. While many affiliate websites perfectly position their affiliate links throughout an article, it’s getting harder to stand out to an affiliate-aware audience. Fortunately, we’re going to introduce…
March 1, 2021 John Hughes Affiliate Marketing
9 Affiliate Marketing Blogs You Need to Follow
When you step into the world of affiliate marketing, gaining a solid understanding of what it is and how it works will help you succeed. However, there’s so much information on the topic that you could spend all day reading. With so many voices, how do you know who to trust? Just because someone has…