Content Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 8

4 Ways to Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines for Your Website’s Content

Catching the attention of potential visitors and customers is vital. However, in a saturated market, this is becoming more and more difficult. Your content needs to be attention-grabbing – and a strong headline is a great way to ensure that happens. A headline is often your first (and even only) chance to attract people’s attention…

Why Testimonials Can Improve Conversions (And How to Add Them to Your Site)

Increasing conversions is a primary goal for every business owner. However, in an ever-crowded market, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get noticed. Therefore, you need your website to stand out – but what’s the best way to do that? One of the most effective ways to increase conversions on your site is to provide ‘social…

Why Readability Is Important When Optimizing Your Content

A vital part of optimizing your online content is making sure that it’s “readable”. This means ensuring that your text is as easy to read and skim, which can have a huge effect on its quality. On the other hand, if your content is hard to follow or understand, users will be more likely to…

3 Key Tips for Optimizing Your Blog Posts Effectively

When writing blog posts, one of your main goals is often to attract leads. However, you may find that things aren’t working as well as you had expected. This may be because you’re missing out on key opportunities to optimize each post. In turn, this can limit your reach and have a negative impact on…