google analytics | Pretty Links

How to use GA for Cookieless Marketing

How to Use Google Analytics 4 for Cookieless Marketing (3 Key Tips)

For affiliate marketers, Google’s decision to stop using third-party cookies may be a bit concerning. After all, without the information these cookies provide, you might be wondering how you’ll gather the data you need to build successful campaigns. Fortunately, you’ll still be able to use Google Analytics to learn about your website’s visitors and understand…

4 Google Services That’ll Improve Your SEO for Free

No matter how you feel about Google, it’s easy to see that they dominate the search market. Google achieves this high-level domination by going above and beyond to provide excellent SERP results to its users. That means relevant content based on keywords shows up at the top more frequently on Google than on other search…

How to Integrate MonsterInsights with Pretty Links (And Why You Should)

MonsterInsights is one of the top Google Analytics plugins for WordPress, and is currently used by over a million websites. Along with its own functionality, this plugin can also be integrated with Pretty Links. This will enable you to make your link tracking even more powerful. That’s because MonsterInsights helps you combine Pretty Links’ features with…

Optimize Link Tracking_Pretty Links

How to Optimize Link Tracking With Pretty Links (3 Key Tips)

Link tracking allows you to get a better understanding of your users’ behaviors and fully understand how visitors interact with your links. You could be overlooking crucial information if you aren’t optimizing your link tracking. Fortunately, you can easily optimize your link tracking efforts by using a link management tool, such as Pretty Links. Its…

3 Ways ‘Urchin Tracking Modules’ Can Improve Your Marketing Campaigns

Keeping track of your business campaigns – including those on social media or within your email newsletter – is crucial for making the most of your marketing efforts. Without tracking you can’t measure, understand, and replicate successful campaigns. Unfortunately, some can be difficult to track. That’s where Google’s Urchin Tracking Modules (UTMs) come in. This nifty…