automation | Pretty Links

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How to Put Your Affiliate Website on Auto-Pilot (3 Automation Tips)

If you’ve decided to start an affiliate website as part of your ecommerce strategy, you can pat yourself on the back. You’ve made a wise business decision. However, you might have realized by now that the promise of passive income isn’t as simple as it may sound. In contrast, affiliate marketing requires time and hard…

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7 Fundamentals to B2B Marketing Automation Success

For B2B marketers, there’s no problem more evergreen than trying to find qualified leads. It starts with lead generation, where casting too wide a net can leave you with leads that are never going to convert. It gets even worse when sales and marketing aren’t aligned, and marketing brings in leads sales you can’t work…

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Pretty Links Automation Features that Can Benefit Your Blog

As a blogger, it can be difficult to keep track of all your posts. Managing your content can get even more challenging once you start using affiliate links.  Fortunately, there are tools that can help you stay on top of things as your blog continues to grow. This includes our Pretty Links plugin, a link…