Everything You Need to Know About Link Cloaking - Part 66

Why ‘Over-Optimizing’ Your Links Can Backfire

Sometimes you can do a job too well. Such is the case with customizing your links and keywords to improve your site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s actually possible to ‘over-optimize’ your site, which can lead Google to penalize it by lowering your rankings. To avoid over-optimizing your links, you’ll first need to understand what…

How to Import URLs from goo.gl into Pretty Links

Since Google stopped supporting its link shortening service goo.gl earlier this year, many people are searching for an alternative solution. While the service is no longer available, former users can still access their links until the end of March 2019. This means you need to find a replacement URL shortener before that time, or risk losing…

How to Quickly Create Pretty Links Anywhere Using a ‘Bookmarklet’

Using the Pretty Links plugin to shorten links is a simple, intuitive process. However, the standard method does require you to access the plugin in the admin dashboard. This can be time-consuming, especially if you want to create a lot of pretty links quickly. Fortunately, there’s a faster, more efficient method you can use. Thanks…

How to Create Your Own Link Shortening Service via Public Link Creation

Link shortening provides a number of key benefits to your website. It can result in improved visibility on search engines, as well as links that look cleaner and more trustworthy. However, a shortening tool like Pretty Links doesn’t have to be used only for your own links. In fact, you can set up your own…

3 Reasons You Should Brand Your Links

Link shortening has seen something of an evolution lately, with the rising popularity of branded links. This is a type of shortened link that’s specific to a particular business, and uses an alternate domain name also known as a ‘vanity URL’. If you’ve run across these links yourself, you may have wondered why they’re necessary.…