Affiliate Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 6

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3 Elite Cookie Consent Plugins (and Why You Need One for Your Affiliate Site)

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are many options for WordPress cookie consent plugins. Most of them offer similar functionality, but not all of them are designed with affiliate marketing in mind.  That’s an important differentiation in this business, because affiliates have additional responsibilities to users when it comes to protecting their data. …

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How to Make Money as a Food Blogger (6 Ways)

Are you looking for a way to monetize your food blog, but not sure where to start? Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to earn a passive income online. However, with so many programs to choose from, it can be difficult to find the one that will best suit your audience. Fortunately, once you know…

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3 Best Affiliate Marketing Programs for College Students

Attending college can be the most exciting, yet, stressful time of your life. Trying to balance your time between attending classes, studying for exams, and having something of an active social life. Not to mention, trying to find a way to pay for textbooks, tuition, and campus living expenses. If you’re like most college students…

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How to Level Up Your Gamer Status as a Twitch Affiliate

In the affiliate marketing world, there are thousands of niches you can choose from. But the trick to running a successful affiliate business is narrowing down your niche to appeal to a specific audience. Most importantly, you should also have a great deal of interest in the niche you choose. If you find yourselves spending…

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Affiliate Marketing vs Dropshipping: Which is Best for You?

If you’ve been looking at alternative ways to make money, you may have come across affiliate marketing and dropshipping. Both are popular ways to earn money online, but they are very different.  With affiliate marketing, you’re rewarded for promoting a business’s products and making successful conversions. By contrast, dropshipping lets you ship products directly from…