How Tos | Pretty Links - Part 18

How You Can Use Chatbots to Increase Conversions

Chatbots are becoming a popular feature on many websites. However, they may seem difficult to implement at first glance. It’s easy to assume that adding a chatbot to your site will require advanced technical know-how. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways to implement and benefit from chatbots. That’s good news, since this technology is…

Linking on YouTube_PrettyLinks

Your Complete Guide to Linking on YouTube (4 Tips)

Video marketing has grown in popularity over the years, with YouTube remaining the preferred channel for video content consumption. However, in order for your YouTube videos to have the maximum effect, they’ll need to be strategically formatted and optimized. Strategic linking on YouTube can help your business boost search engine optimization (SEO), generate more traffic,…

3 Ways to Improve Your Website’s Accessibility

Today, more than a billion people experience some kind of disability. This can make navigating certain websites difficult, especially when they include dynamic features. As a result, it’s vital that we all strive to create websites that are completely accessible. Web accessibility is the practice of making sure there are no barriers that might prevent…

How to Put a Link in Your Instagram Bio

How to Put a Link in Your Instagram Bio (and 2 Other Techniques)

While it’s a valuable platform for spreading awareness about your business, Instagram has historically been one of the more link-resistant social media sites. In fact, even to this day, Instagram only allows clickable links in the profile bio. However, times are changing, and Instagram has recently become much more accommodating when it comes to linking.…

troubleshoot pretty links loading speed

How to Troubleshoot Pretty Links That Are Redirecting Slowly (6 Ways)

Pretty Links is an excellent tool for setting up link redirections, and most of the time you should experience no issues when using it. However, there may be rare cases when you find that links are redirecting more slowly than you’d like. This is most often due to external factors, such as an incompatibility issue…