marketing | Pretty Links - Part 4

Customer Service Marketing_Pretty Links

How Excellent Customer Service Can Improve Your Marketing Efforts

At first glance, customer service and marketing may seem like two entirely different things. However, by treating them as separate strategies, you’re almost certainly missing out on sales. By thinking outside of the box, you can create a symbiotic relationship between your marketing and customer service activities. With these two strategies working together, you can…

What Is Social Proof? (3 Ways it Can Benefit Your Business)

Establishing a credible reputation is crucial for the success of any ecommerce marketing strategy. You can drive all the traffic in the world to your website, but it won’t mean much if you have products that you can’t sell. Fortunately, one of the best ways to build a positive reputation is also one of the…

eCommerce Marketing Goals_Pretty Links

3 New Marketing Goals For Your eCommerce Business in 2022

With over 2.14 billion people expected to purchase goods and services online, 2022 is shaping up to be another profitable year for eCommerce. However, big opportunities also mean increased competition, and you’ll need to work hard to stay ahead of the pack. Marketing goals can be your secret weapon. By setting clear targets, you can…

Multi-Channel Attribution_Pretty Links

Multi-Channel Attribution: What You Need To Know

Do you remember the million-dollar Number 55 bet between Will Smith and BD Wong at the Superbowl game in the movie Focus? If you haven’t seen the movie, Will Smith won the bet because he was aware of what we call multi-channel attribution.  Will Smith bet his entire weekend’s earnings that Margot Robbie would be…

4 Google Services That’ll Improve Your SEO for Free

No matter how you feel about Google, it’s easy to see that they dominate the search market. Google achieves this high-level domination by going above and beyond to provide excellent SERP results to its users. That means relevant content based on keywords shows up at the top more frequently on Google than on other search…