Everything You Need to Know About Link Cloaking - Part 46
July 2, 2020 John Hughes How Tos
How to Set Up Open Graph Meta Tags Using Pretty Links
One of the best ways to reach a wider audience is to share your content on social media. Unfortunately, simply sharing your content’s link on your profiles as-is leaves a lot of what gets posted to chance. Enter “Open Graph” meta tags. These elements, when used correctly, can boost your social media returns. In fact, meta…
July 2, 2020 Trey Briggs Affiliate Marketing
5 Affiliate Marketing Growth Ideas to Combat the Recession
If you’ve ever shopped in a store that offers decorations or looked up any quotes, you’ve seen one of those KEEP CALM signs. You know the ones. They lightly chastise you into getting your life together. The signs that tell you how to feel (KEEP CALM) and what to do (CARRY ON). Those seemingly meaningless signs…
June 25, 2020 Trey Briggs SEO
4 Google Services That’ll Improve Your SEO for Free
No matter how you feel about Google, it’s easy to see that they dominate the search market. Google achieves this high-level domination by going above and beyond to provide excellent SERP results to its users. That means relevant content based on keywords shows up at the top more frequently on Google than on other search…
June 12, 2020 Trey Briggs Affiliate Marketing
Build a Powerful Email List to Promote Your Affiliate Offers
You’ve found an affiliate product to promote, you’ve been accepted into the program, and you’re ready to jump in headfirst. Where should you start? Build an email list! Affiliate marketing is about sales, and email is the best way to turn trust into sales. That means getting all of your email bells and whistles together…
June 4, 2020 Trey Briggs Affiliate Marketing
Simple Ways to Find Hidden Revenue in Your Business
In affiliate marketing every penny counts How do you find extra money? In this blog, we explore tactics to uncover revenue leaks and miss opportunities.