Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 31

Buyer Persona

Create a Buyer Persona for Targeted Marketing

Chances are, you put a lot of work into formulating the decisions that affect your marketing. You know that planning is the most significant part of marketing when deciding on how much money to spend to map out your KPIs. This is especially true when it comes to small businesses, online or otherwise. So why…

Optimize your brand on Instagram_Pretty Links

3 Ways You Can Optimize Your Brand on Instagram

If you don’t know how to optimize your brand on Instagram, then your marketing strategy might suffer. You run the risk of losing out on engagement and conversions over time. Fortunately, you can quickly make dramatic changes to your Instagram brand account, such as by using multi-grid layouts and having a consistent schedule. These strategies…

Here’s How You Master the Meta Description for Better SEO

We need to get something about meta descriptions out of the way first and foremost: they do not matter to Google’s ranking system.  If there’s one thing you can count on from Google, it’s foggy and hidden information about what’s best for search engines. Meta descriptions are not exempt from the murkiness.  In fact, even…

How to Combine Your Content Marketing and Ad Strategy

Remember when content marketing was a taboo subject?  It was an intruder in a world of paid advertising and “serious marketing.” No one wanted to take a chance on blogging (a practice relegated to teenage whiners and hobbyists), or infographics, or guides. And no one wanted to part with hard-earned cash to do it. There…

How to Set Up Open Graph Meta Tags Using Pretty Links

One of the best ways to reach a wider audience is to share your content on social media. Unfortunately, simply sharing your content’s link on your profiles as-is leaves a lot of what gets posted to chance. Enter “Open Graph” meta tags. These elements, when used correctly, can boost your social media returns. In fact, meta…