Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 30

Here’s How To Come Up With a Fool-Proof Content Strategy

Coming up with a content strategy for affiliate marketing is a tough task. There’s a lot of different material you can create, and you’ll spend a lot of time making it. The process is easier if you know what you should craft, so you can put your efforts into the right areas.  As a whole,…

what is a drip campaign

What is a Drip Campaign? How to Do One

One aspect of marketing that never seems to change is the value of a good email. Our inboxes are crowded and our time is limited, yet we still sign up for mailing lists, newsletters, and other digital mail. Even social media hasn’t destroyed the effectiveness of a masterful email campaign. Year after year, research shows…

Surfing through documents

How to Find Swipe Copy That Converts

You may not be a writer, but in business, your word is everything. You may not be a designer either, but in business, the feeling your visuals give off can affect how quickly you’ll grow.  Even if you lack any copywriting skill, and even if you’re the least creative person on the planet, your ability…

Backlinks Word In Wooden Cube

The Power of Backlink Audits (And How To Do One)

An SEO journey is one of repetition. It involves implementing strategies, letting them stew, then going back over those strategies with a fine-toothed comb again and again. It’s the nature of optimization. What goes up must be audited every few weeks or months. Even if you don’t have an SEO specialist handy, running an online…

How to Construct a Marketing Plan From Analytics (3 Simple Steps)

Chrometophobia is strong and billowing right now, and you’ve probably experienced it, especially when it comes to your marketing dollars. It’s the fear of spending money (and touching money, smelling money, etc., but for our purposes, focus on the fear of spending money). That fear is probably through the roof for most businesses right now,…