Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 48

How to Use QR Codes to Expand Your Reach and Maximize Your Marketing Efforts

If the majority of your business resides solely online, it can be difficult to imagine expanding it beyond the web. However, what if there was a way for you to bridge the gap, and bring your online affiliate marketing business to the real world? Enter Quick Response (QR) codes. This nifty technology enables you to…

High-Quality Traffic_Pretty Links

How to Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Affiliate Marketing Site (4 Tips)

You’ve spent a lot of time and money building your affiliate marketing site, only to hear crickets when your site goes live. This is a frustrating reality for many new affiliate marketers and one that can be difficult to face. Such a reality, though, can be easily overcome by using the right traffic-driving tactics. These tactics,…

4 Affiliate Marketing Tactics That Will Improve Your Sales Strategy

You’ve likely spent countless hours developing your affiliate marketing site. If you’ve put your heart and soul into bolstering your business, only to hit a brick wall when it comes to your current marketing tactics, you’ll know it’s not a fun situation to be in. Fortunately, improving your strategy and boosting sales isn’t an impossible…

Pretty Links 2.0 is Here!

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re proud to announce that Pretty Links 2.0 is now here! We have completely refactored the code base to ensure that the plugin will be easier to both maintain and extend as WordPress continues to evolve. Along the way we’ve completed a major cleanup to the interface, improved…

5 Reasons to Redirect Links with Pretty Links

As an affiliate marketer, link redirects and link cloaking have a number of advantages. Besides improving aesthetics by providing you with short, descriptive links, they can also have a considerable impact on the success of your business. Attractive links may seem like a small detail, but they add a level of quality and professionalism to your marketing…