Everything You Need to Know About Link Cloaking - Part 73

3 Reasons to Establish a Linking Strategy for Your Affiliate Site

Hyperlinks are an essential element of your affiliate website, so it makes sense to spend a lot of time cultivating and organizing them. If you haven’t implemented a proper linking strategy on your site, you could be missing out on some valuable benefits. A linking strategy is a plan you create and implement that helps…

3 Ways to Build Backlinks to Your Affiliate Site

While your affiliate site’s credibility and traffic are crucial for business growth, your search engine rankings are just as important. The process of improving your site’s rankings may seem daunting, but adding backlinks provides a perfect solution. In short, backlinks can boost credibility, improve site traffic, and increase your rankings on search engines. These consequences…

3 Smart Reasons to Use Link Rotations on Your Website

There are many powerful features offered by Pretty Links. However, some are more misunderstood than others. As a result, you may not be using them correctly (if you’re even using them at all). One such feature, link rotations, can be immensely flexible and helpful. By sending visitors to a random (yet defined) selection of links…

3 Easy Tips for Improving Your Website’s SEO Through Permalinks

There are a number of things you’ll need to focus on when setting up your website. One of these is search engine rankings – more specifically, optimizing for improved placement on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Unfortunately, many bloggers and website owners forget to include permalinks in their website optimization plans. In short, a permalink is…


How to Set Up Link Expirations Using Pretty Links

Link expirations are incredibly useful and an awesome feature offered by Pretty Links. However, the tool isn’t used as often as it could be, due to a lack of understanding of how to use it efficiently. Fortunately, link expirations are a very simple feature you can use across your website and social media platforms. They…