Marketing | Pretty Links - Part 46
How to Track Visitor Conversions Using Pretty Link’s Conversion Report
Increasing visitor conversions – such as email list signups and product purchases – should be a primary goal for you as a website owner. However, it can be a struggle to manage without the right tools. Since this task can make the difference between your business’s success or failure, it’s crucial that you plan ahead to…
A Multi-Platform Guide to Effective Linking on Social Media Sites
A strong linking strategy is one of the best ways to promote your brand, and it’s especially effective on social media. However, by adopting a similar approach to each platform, you may hamper your efforts to win business. Each social media platform has specific purposes, strengths, and demographics, so it’s important to keep these differences…
3 Actionable Linking Tips for Your Next Email Campaign
Effective email campaigns can engage readers and increase conversions – and an essential element of these campaigns is links. Unfortunately, you may not be incorporating links as effectively as you could be, and this can lead to poor reader engagement and ineffective campaigns. When you overlook linking within your emails, you can decrease user engagement…
3 Reasons to Establish a Linking Strategy for Your Affiliate Site
Hyperlinks are an essential element of your affiliate website, so it makes sense to spend a lot of time cultivating and organizing them. If you haven’t implemented a proper linking strategy on your site, you could be missing out on some valuable benefits. A linking strategy is a plan you create and implement that helps…
3 Ways to Build Backlinks to Your Affiliate Site
While your affiliate site’s credibility and traffic are crucial for business growth, your search engine rankings are just as important. The process of improving your site’s rankings may seem daunting, but adding backlinks provides a perfect solution. In short, backlinks can boost credibility, improve site traffic, and increase your rankings on search engines. These consequences…