Split Testing

What is Split Testing?

Split testing is a method used by marketers to test out different aspects of their marketing strategy and implementation. A/B testing is actually a more controlled form of split testing, where only two variants (A and B) are tested at the same time.

How is this different from setting up a Conversion Report?

It's essentially the same thing, just with more detailed information. It allows you to see the conversions on two separate setups and compare them. It saves you the work of having to set up a report and create multiple Pretty Links for each A page.

  1. Go to “Pretty Links” -> “Options” and click “Reporting”
  2. Under “Tracking Style” select “Extended Tracking”
  3. Scroll down and click “Update”
  4. Next, Go to “Pretty Links” -> “Pretty Links” and click “Edit” underneath the link you want to Split test, or create a new Link.
  5. Click “Pro Options” to expand the pro options for this link.
  6. Choose “Rotation” from the Dynamic Redirection dropdown
  7. Setup the Target URL Rotations for this link (These are your A pages).
  8. Click “Split Test This Link”.
  9. Select a Goal URL for this split test. You can look at the URL Rotations as your “A” Pages (they just have the same entry point – the Pretty Links URL) and this Goal URL as the “B” Page.
  10. Hit “Update”.
  11. To view the report click “Split Test Report” which will now appear directly under this link in the list. Unlike the Pretty Links Conversion reports, you actually have to wait for data to start coming in after you setup your split test – don't worry you'll see it start coming in quickly though.
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