Link para divulgação

This feature can be used to disclose your use of affiliate marketing on any page that utilizes our Keyword or URL Replacement feature. It will work for any page, post, or custom post type. When you have enabled this feature you will also be able to customize the URL and position of the disclosure link.

How to Get it Working on Your Site

Step 1: Enable Link to Disclosures
To enable this feature, go to Pretty Links -> Options -> Replacements -> Enable Replacements (if you have not already) -> then enable the option entitled, “Link to Disclosures.” You will now see this:

Step 2: Set Disclosure URL
In the URL box, enter in the URL of the page that contains your official affiliate link disclosures. This URL will be used in the link that will be generated.

Step 3: Set Text for Your URL
Use the Text section to enter the text of the link to your disclosures. This text will be visible to your visitors when the link is displayed.

Step 4: Set the Position of the Disclosure URL
This is the position of the link to your disclosures in relation to your post content. You can have it appear only at the top of the content, only at the bottom, or in both locations.

Step 5: Save Your Settings
After configuring your disclosure link settings how you need, be sure to click the update button at the bottom of the page.

What it Looks Like

Here is an example of what this would look like on the bottom of your page:

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