Glowing Pretty Links Reviews

Discover why 5,000,000+ marketers are over the moon for Pretty Links.

There are a lot of useful and time-saving features that make Pretty Links a great product. Their Support Team is also very responsive to bugs/requests and posts updates very quickly.

- David B.

Pretty Links does just what it says it will do. Make your links pretty and help you track their performance. Enough said.

- Walt N.

I love it! Best shortlink plugin, perfect for every marketer. You can do so much incredible things, it's simply awesome!

- Bernard B.

This tool makes creating redirects so much easier. Thank you so much for making this plugin!

- Anna A.

Easy to use, no long URLs, you can choose the name, nothing similar to other shorteners. Just great!

- Lana N.

We love this plugin and have used it on multiple sites. It’s a fast and easy way to create an easy-to-remember (and easy-to-market) vanity link that can point anywhere you want.

- Mark M.

I use Pretty Links mainly on my YouTube channel (cards, description…). That way, I can share comprehensive, easy-to-remember, short URLs. Great plugin!

- Vahn Petit

O Pretty Links se tornou uma das ferramentas mais importantes que uso em todos os meus negócios on-line. No meu blog, no meu podcast e nos meus vídeos, ele facilita muito a minha vida ao promover ou recomendar itens para o meu público, e também fica mais fácil para o meu público se lembrar desses links.

- Pat Flynn

O Pretty Links é um dos plug-ins mais legais para WordPress que já encontrei! Ele pode criar automaticamente links curtos em seu domínio. Ele facilita o agrupamento e a organização de links. Ele rastreia a contagem de cliques, substitui palavras-chave e isso é apenas um pequeno número de seus recursos. O preço vale totalmente a pena porque ele permite que seus links curtos promovam sua marca.

- Luria Petrucci

Pretty Links has helped me further extend my personal brand by using my own domain for URL shortening. When my readers click through links within my articles they continue to see my branding and have an easy way to return to my site, but also, I get robust click-through tracking as a result.

I recommend this WordPress plugin as a required component to any blogger who desires a larger reach, even when users aren't on their site.

- Michael S.

Beautiful great plugin. Helps a lot and makes you look professional. I use it on several websites of mine.

- Rossella P.

The best plugin for shortening your links! I’ve been using this plugin for years. It’s especially helpful for sharing links to affiliate products.

- Karmen K.

I simply love it. It’s a wonderful tool!

- Emanuel M.

HUGE fan of Pretty Links!!! We use it on multiple websites and this plugin does some really complicated things to make our brands look good! We’re so grateful it exists as a company & as a product!!!

- Chais M.

I use Pretty Link on two websites and absolutely love it. It has any link on my website showing as if it is from our website. Cloaking links can’t get any easier!

- Les A.

The way I generate revenue from my blog is through affiliate links to products I regularly use and recommend. These affiliate links can look monstrous at times, so it's nice to have a little plugin that cloaks them and makes them really easy to remember.

- Chris Lema

Pretty Links has helped me further extend my personal brand by using not only my own domain for URL shortening but also through the use of the PrettyBar. When my readers click through links within my articles they continue to see my branding and have an easy way to return to my site, but also, I get robust click-through tracking as a result. I recommend this WordPress plugin as a required component to any blogger who desires a larger reach, even when users aren’t on their site.

- Michael Sheehan

After reading through the user manual, and also seeing that there was a 14-day money back guarantee, I decided I had absolutely nothing to lose and paid for the plugin on the spot. I’ve just spent the last 12 hours installing, tweaking, testing and using the plugin and I am absolutely in love.

Pretty Links Will Change Your Life. Now that is a bold statement. But it doesn’t make it any less true. I 100% recommend that every WordPress user get this plugin now!

- John Pozadzides

Such a time-saver. Love it!

- Carmia C.

Pretty Links really earns its name! It creates simple, reliable links for marketing/promoting your blog with style.

- Verna L.

One of the best & easiest to use URL shorteners. I use it on all my sites when I need to track clicks or shorten affiliate links. Highly recommended.

- Bobby G.

I use Pretty Links for all my sites, It’s a great tool to remember long URL’s that I use many times: For example, the link to any of my social media sites. Now I only need to remember my domain.xx/nameoftheservice and my link will never go wrong!

I'm in the music business and need to remember URLs to both social media and many audio services. It’s a tool I have used since I learned that I need it.

The fact that it also targets clicks makes it impossible to not install it on every site I start up. 

- Johan B.

Pretty links makes creating my podcast episode links so easy. I love it!

- Chelsea P.

I love how easy it is to use this plugin and it adds an extra layer of branding to anything that I want to share or promote!

- Justin Lewis

Perfect for multiple affiliate links management!

Works very well, gives you additional stats, and a huge timesaver if you change affiliate product links. Normally, you would have to replace the URL in every post manually, which doesn’t work for any external places like youtube video descriptions or other websites.

Here, you just replace the URL in Pretty Links and everything else stays the same.

Great time saver!

- Lukas C.

Eu uso o Pretty Links mais do que qualquer outro plugin para meu podcast e site. Comprei o Pretty Links simplesmente porque ele agilizava a criação de links para minhas páginas e postagens, mas desde então descobri uma tonelada de outros valores que continuam a aumentar a cada atualização. Quer se trate de links de afiliados rastreáveis, URLs memoráveis e faláveis para meus podcasts ou hiperlinks automatizados de palavras-chave, o Pretty Links me poupa muito tempo e me ajuda a ganhar mais dinheiro com meu blog e podcast!

O Pretty Links é meu plugin premium para WordPress mais recomendado para todos os blogueiros e podcasters!

- Daniel J Lewis