Recursos de automação do Pretty Links que podem beneficiar seu blog

Recursos de automação_Pretty Links

As a blogger, it can be difficult to keep track of all your posts. Managing your content can get even more challenging once you start using affiliate links. 

Fortunately, there are tools that can help you stay on top of things as your blog continues to grow. This includes nosso plug-in Pretty Links, a link management tool that lets you organize and manage your content with little effort. 

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the Pretty Links plugin and its benefits for content creators. Then we’ll introduce you to our plugin’s main automation features and how to use them effectively. Let’s get started!

Uma introdução ao plug-in Pretty Links

As a content creator, you’re constantly writing posts that help you make money. If you monetize your blog through marketing de afiliados, part of your content strategy focuses on incorporating product links in a way that encourages readers to click on them and make a purchase.

This is where a link shortener like our Plug-in Pretty Links can be useful. This tool lets you shorten and cloak your links so they’re neat, branded, and identifiable.

There’s an important reason as to why you should consider using a link shortening tool. Affiliate links tend to be long and messy. When users see a link with random characters, they may find it suspicious and avoid clicking on it. Therefore, you may be losing potential sales. 

With Pretty Links, you can shorten your affiliate links using your own domain name: 

How to create a short link using Pretty Links

The plugin also lets you set up temporary or permanent redirects for your links. To learn more about these features, you can check out our guide to getting started with the Pretty Links plugin.  

O Versão Lite offers the basic tools you need to shorten and manage your links. If you want more control over your links, you might want to upgrade to a premium version:

Pretty Links premium plans

Our paid plans offer several added features, including conversion reports and advanced redirect types. The premium plugin also comes with two handy automation features, which we’ll be looking at more closely in the next section.

2 Pretty Links Automation Features that Can Benefit Your Blog

The premium Pretty Links plugin offers two automation features that help you manage your links and content more efficiently. Let’s see how they work!

1. Auto-Create Links for Posts and Pages

The premium plugin can automatically create short links for all the pages and posts on your site. If you often share links to your site on Twitter, then you know how difficult it can be to fit a long URL in a tweet. You probably end up shortening your links every time you want to share them with your followers.

This automation feature can be quite useful, as it generates short links for your pages with a simple setting. This will help you save time when creating social media posts. 

To set up this feature, navigate to Pretty Links > Opções in your WordPress admin dashboard. In the side menu, click on Criação automática de links:

The Auto-Create Links option in the the premium version of Pretty Links - Pretty Links Automation Features

If you want to create short links for your pages and posts, check the appropriate boxes. You can also assign a category to these links, which can help you keep them organized.

To create a new category, select the Add a New Category opção:

How to assign categories to your short links

On the Categorias de links page, you can add a name, slug, and description for your category:

The Link Categories page

When you're ready, click on the Adicionar nova categoria de link button. Then return to the Criação automática de links page and set your category. Finally, hit the Atualização botão.

2. Keyword and URL Replacements

Another automation feature offered by the premium plugin is keyword and URL replacements. This replaces specified keywords and URLs with a short link, and can be applied to content on your pages, posts, feeds, and comments.

To specify your keywords, you’ll need to go to Pretty Links in your dashboard. Then you can either click on Adicionar novo to create a new pretty link, or select an existing link from the list. In the edit page of your link, click on Profissional in the side menu:

How to specify keywords for links in Pretty Links- Pretty Links Automation Features

Here, you can specify the keywords for this particular pretty link, as shown in the example above. Once you’re ready, click the blue Atualização button on the right. Now, when you activate the Substituições feature, those keywords will be automatically replaced with the associated link. 

To get started with keyword and URL replacements, head to Pretty Links > Opções in your dashboard and select Substituições in the side menu:  

The Replacements page in Pretty Links

When you tick the Ativar substituições caixa, you’ll get a list of options to add to this feature. For instance, you’ll be able to select a threshold for the number of keyword replacements per page. You can also set the links to open in a new window, adicionar um atributo "nofollowe Atributo "sponsored" (patrocinado) to them.

O Substituições feature also enables you to automatically insert a link to your affiliate disclosure page in all your posts, so you don’t have to go through your old content and add it yourself. You can also customize the URL, text, and position of this link:

Affiliate Disclosures option in Pretty Links

Moreover, you have the option to add an affiliate link disclosure next to every keyword replacement. You can set the text you want to appear after each link, e.g. “(aff)”. Disclosing affiliate links is a legal requirement, and our plugin helps you ensure that you’re doing this properly. 

Next, you can select the option to replace all URLs on your site with short ones generated by Pretty Links. You can also include links you want to blacklist (i.e. exclude from this option):

How to replace all URLs with a short link

If you tick the Substituir em Comentários e Substituir em Feeds options, keyword and URL replacements will also be applied to these sections on your site:

How to apply replacements to your comments and feeds

Finally, there’s the Substituições de índices option. This will index all of your keyword and URL replacements:

How to index your replacements

Once you’re done with your settings, click the Atualização button. Note the replacement and indexing process may take a while to complete, especially if you have a large number of posts.


Managing posts and links can become more difficult as your blog gets bigger. Fortunately, you can use tools such as nosso plug-in Pretty Links to organize your content and track the performance of your links.  

In this post, we looked at two Pretty Links automation features that can be beneficial for bloggers:

  1. It generates short links for your posts and pages, so you can assign categories for your content,  track the performance of your links, and create neater tweets and Facebook posts.
  2. It can replace keywords and URLs within your posts and pages, so you can update old content easily and add disclosures for your affiliate links. 

Do you have any questions about the Pretty Links automation features covered in this post? Conte-nos na seção de comentários abaixo!

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Divulgação de links de afiliados

Sobre John Hughes

John é um viciado em blogs, fanático por WordPress e redator da equipe.
