Como criar conteúdo memorável (4 dicas)

It's likely that content is an important part of your marketing strategy. It helps to boost brand awareness, engage audiences, and drive conversions. However, producing quality content that users find valuable can be challenging, especially when you have to do it on a consistent basis.

In order for your content to be meaningful, it needs to be memorable. Consumers today scroll past hundreds if not thousands of ads, articles, and videos in a day, so now is not the time to blend in. If you want your efforts to really drive results, then you'll need to create something that resonates with your audience.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of making sure that your content stands out. Then we’ll provide four tips for creating more memorable content. Let’s get started!

The Importance of Creating Content That Stands Out

Most marketers today understand the notion that “content is king”. Creating and publishing relevant, valuable content enables you to attract audiences and drive action.

However, what's less understood is how to create memorable content that actually stands out and resonates with consumers. Today's digital landscape makes it possible for anyone to distribute content. Unfortunately, this creates a more crowded and, in turn, a more competitive environment.

There are many types of content marketing to choose from, including:

  • Blogs
  • eBooks
  • Infográficos
  • Estudos de caso
  • Vídeos

Regardless of which method you use, the goal should be to create compelling content that is both noticeable and memorable. One way to do that is to focus on how you can help your consumers. By doing so, you can create a stronger connection with your audience that helps to build trust and loyalty:

OptinMonster eBook download.

Another key to effective content marketing is realizing that you don't need to reach everyone – just those who are most likely to find your content useful. The more you know about your target audience, the better positioned you'll be to create content that informs, educates, convinces, and converts.

4 Tips for Creating Memorable Content

There are a number of strategies you can use to increase the likelihood that your content will resonate with consumers. Let's take a look at four tips you can apply without too much trouble.

1. Establish an Authentic Brand Voice

Seu identidade da marca is essentially the personality of your business. It influences consumers’ perception of your company, and can affect their purchasing decisions.

A distinct brand voice can differentiate you from competitors, and make it easier for audiences to remember you. There is no right or wrong voice and style. Yours can be authoritative and sophisticated, witty and sarcastic, or playful and humorous.

Skittles is an example of a business using a quirky brand voice that sticks out:

A tweet from Skittles.

Dove is another company with a distinct brand voice. The tone of its content uses positivity and confidence (rather than quirky humor) to inspire consumers:

Dove blogs.

Both of these examples demonstrate how you can use your brand voice to humanize your content. They also showcase how it's possible to play to common human emotions, in order to make content creative and memorable.

For your brand voice to be effective, it needs to be authentic. Establishing a voice that accurately reflects your company makes it easier to remain consistent. If you want to discover your brand voice, you might consider:

  • Making a list of three to five words that best describe your company and its values.
  • Gathering a sample of well-performing pieces of your content, and looking for similarities in the language and style used.
  • Documenting the brand voice in a style guide, so everyone in the company is on the same page.

Para craft quality content, it also helps to consider not just who you are, but who you're speaking to. What kind of language do they use, and what are their interests? Focusing on creating a distinct, unique, and authentic brand voice is an effective way to cut through the content noise and reach your audience.

2. Write Engaging Headlines That Capture Audiences' Attention

Without engaging and strong headlines, your audience has little incentive to click on your content. If the headline isn't enough to spark interest, why would they assume that the rest of the content is any different?

Crafting unique headlines is the first step toward motivating users to read and share your content. There are some headline best practices you can follow to create more click-worthy titles, including:

  • Using numbers and lists (X Ways to Increase Your Followers)
  • Incorporating action words (Download This Guide and Learn How to Instantly Improve Your Finances)
  • Explaining what the takeaway will be (How to Become a Morning Person in X Steps)

There are also tools you can help to generate ideas for creative headlines. For example, you could use a site such as

Homepage of

After plugging in the keywords you want to incorporate into the headline, this tool will produce a list of example headlines for you to consider. That can give you a helpful starting point for brainstorming catchy, attention-grabbing headlines.

3. Choose Unique, High-Quality Images

Another way to capture your audiences' attention is by using high-quality images. People tend to notice and interpret visual content more quickly than text, so images are especially good at piquing their interest.

In addition to capturing attention, images can also help make your content more memorable. Research shows that people can retain 65 percent of information three days later when it's paired with a relevant image. Without an image, they only retain about 10 percent.

When incorporating images into your content, it's best to avoid ones that look overly generic. Instead, you might consider using a resource such as Pexels:

Pexels website homepage.

Pexels and other sites like it offer a wide selection of high-quality, creative images. Plus, they're free to use and CC-licensed.

4. Use Short, Branded Links

It's not just the text and images you use that can influence how memorable your content is, but also the links you use to share it. Most platforms generate long, unsightly URLs that contain unnecessary characters and symbols.

However, you can optimize your links so they're both easier to remember and share. Shortened links transform lengthy URLs into concise, cleaner-looking ones. Links de marca incorporate your brand name into the links as well, in order to boost brand awareness and establish trust.

A simple way to shorten and brand links is to use a tool such as our own Plug-in Pretty Links:

Pretty Links settings options from WordPress dashboard.

You can download the free Shortlinks by Pretty Links version from the WordPress Plugin Directory. Once you activate the plugin, you can use it to shorten URLs to use all around the web. If you upgrade to the premium version, you can also redirect your links to a branded vanity URL.


You can put as much content as you want out there, but frequency doesn’t automatically translate to quality. If you want your content to resonate with your audience, spark engagement, and boost brand recognition and loyalty, it needs to be creative.

As we discussed in this article, there are several ways you can create more memorable content:

  1. Establish an authentic brand voice.
  2. Write engaging headlines that grab your audience’s attention.
  3. Choose high-quality, unique images.
  4. Uso short, branded links.

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Sobre John Hughes

John é um viciado em blogs, fanático por WordPress e redator da equipe.
