6 táticas de SEO que todos os profissionais de marketing de afiliados precisam conhecer

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a specialized and extremely valuable skill for affiliate marketers to have. Every single day, over 3 billion searches are conducted via Google — all it takes is one search for someone to find your small business online.

However, without proper SEO tactics in place, your business won’t stand a chance against its competitors.

In this post, we’ll talk a bit about why SEO is so crucial to the success of your online business, then we’ll share with you a few of the most important SEO tactics every affiliate marketer should have in their arsenal. Let’s get started!

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Why Are SEO Skills So Important?

SEO skills are essential because good SEO makes your website visible to individuals who are searching on search engines. That visibility drives more traffic to your website, builds brand awareness, and generates income. 

Effective SEO also establishes your business as an authority in your industry. Let’s face it; hardly anyone pays attention to search engine results at the bottom of page one — much less on page two or three.

If you can keep your site at the top of the results set, you’ll automatically be deemed trustworthy in the eyes of your potential customers.

That said, following are six basic steps you can take to start improving your site’s SEO right now.

#1 Update And Upgrade Existing Content

One simple and easy SEO tactic that many online business owners miss out on is updating existing content. When crafting your estratégia de conteúdo, remember that you can make money and build traffic from your old content before you even start creating anything new.

Every couple of months, look back at your old content for ways to improve and freshen it up. This includes checking for broken or outdated links and outdated statistics or information, or even searching out new opportunities to add affiliate links.

Also, configure your blog post settings so that each time you update a post, the date of that update appears at the top. Doing so will communicate freshness to your readers and to search engines.  

#2 Improve Your Video Titles

Speaking of content, if you currently create videos for your affiliate business, chances are you upload these videos to YouTube. If you haven’t already started optimizing your video titles for SEO, you’re missing out!

Optimizing your video titles will boost your video click-through rates to your website. Include long-tail keywords and strong, powerful copy that makes users want to click on your video to learn more about what you have to offer on your site.

#3 Improve Website User Experience

When it comes to your online home, user experience is everything. If visitors come to your website only to find it slow, lacking personality, and hard to navigate, chances are you won’t be making nearly as many conversions as you might hope. 

Site quality and bounce rate, which is the amount of time users spend on your website, are two metrics that go hand-in-hand and play a role in how your site ranks in search engines.

So audit your site every so often to make sure it is easy to navigate, has updated information, and is structured to earn conversions.

#4 Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that visitors are likely to use when looking for something on search engines.

So, for example, simple keywords refer to very broad concepts like “marketing” or “online business”. Palavras-chave de cauda longa, on the other hand, narrow the focus down, which makes finding your content easier for users who will really benefit from it.

So, instead of “marketing” you might use “marketing tips for affiliate marketers”, or instead of “online business” you might use “how to start an online affiliate marketing business”.

#5 Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

The majority of online activities, including online searches and purchases, happen on smartphones. As a result, it’s super important that your website is compatível com dispositivos móveis so your customers can visit your site and easily access the content you want to share and sell. 

O Google anunciou in March of 2020 that they would switch to mobile-first indexing for all websites beginning September 2020. This means that the mobile version of your website is now held to a higher standard, and its quality impacts your site’s ranking on Google’s search engines to a greater extent.

#6 Be Intentional About The Length Of Your Content

Earlier in this post, we talked about updating content. Related to that is the importance of post length. Longer content tends to perform better in search than do shorter pieces of content.

And creating longer content doesn’t have to be labor intensive. Referring again to updating your content, if you notice an older post that’s doing well or has the potential to be better, consider adding new information to the post to increase its length and value. This is a great way to beef up your content without having to invest too much time or effort.

Just to clarify, we’re not saying that every single post you write needs to be 2,000 words or longer. Depending on the topic of the post, some blogs will be shorter than others, and that’s okay.

You never want to write longer articles for the sake of length alone. A long, wordy article that’s fluffed up with a lot of empty words but little useful information is low quality content. 

Always keep in mind that quality, not quantity, is the most important component in any content you create.

Ready to jump out and start a business of your own? Create an affiliate marketing business quickly and easily with Pretty Links. Sign up today!

Considerações finais

There are so many things that go into good SEO that it can seem like a lot for the average online business owner to process. However, remember that establishing good SEO is a process that takes time and patience.

And the six things we mentioned in this post are simple enough for even the least SEO-savvy affiliate marketer to start implementing into their strategy right away. Remember, you can start by:

  1. Updating and upgrading existing content
  2. Improving your video titles
  3. Improving website user experience
  4. Using long-tail keywords
  5. Making your site mobile-friendly
  6. Increasing the length of your content 

For more information on SEO, check out our posts on how link shortening can impact SEO e how Pretty Links can help boost your SEO.

What are some more SEO tips that you feel affiliate marketers should be aware of? Tell us in the comments!

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1 Comentário

    Deon Christie

    dezembro 15, 2020

    Outstanding post, Jessica, well done! SEO can be rather challenging especially when one just get started. I learned the hard way but, then so do we all I think when getting started. I recently started getting deeper into the use of long-tail keywords and the addition of LSI keywords. And although LSI is no longer a ranking factor, it does contribute largely to user experience for both visitors and search engines.