5 stratégies de marketing en ligne que toute entreprise devrait essayer

To succeed, every business needs a sound marketing strategy. However, finding the right combination of marketing tactics takes trial-and-error, especially in this digital age. Often, businesses are left confused about how to best position and market themselves.

The good news is that, although growing a business and standing out among your competitors is challenging, it's not impossible. The key is identifying which online marketing strategies offer your organization the best Return on Investment (ROI).

In this article, we’ll take you through five of the best online marketing techniques your business can use. Let's jump into it!

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You could have the best-designed website in the world, and high-quality products and services. Unless you make Search Engine Optimization (SEO) a priority, however, no one will likely find your website.

SEO refers to the techniques used to get your site to rank highly in search engine results. It's necessary for growing your business online, and reaching your target audience. After all, ranking poorly in search engines means missed opportunities for potential visitors.

Studies have found that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. What's more, 75% of users don't make it past the first page of search results. Clearly, it's essential to make sure that your website is ranking well for relevant search phrases and keywords.

There are simple steps you can take to improve the optimization of your website and content. These include adding keywords to permalinks, attaching SEO metadata to your posts, and sharing original, relevant, and helpful content.

A lot of SEO also has to do with the technical structure of your website. In order to become more visible in search engines and incorporate SEO into your online marketing strategy this way, you can start by building an XML sitemap.

There are also plenty of useful (and free) SEO tools and plugins for your WordPress site that help make optimization easier, such as the Yoast SEO plugin:

The Yoast SEO plugin.

This tool helps you ensure that your content is SEO-friendly, and lets you preview how it will appear in search engine results.

2. Email Marketing

Marketing par courrier électronique is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your audience and increase traffic to your website. 73% of Millennials want to receive business communications via email, and the majority of U.S. internet users check their email more than 10 times per day. Furthermore, nearly 60% of consumers agree that emails influence their buying decisions.

Email campaigns provide an opportunity to personalize your content to match your audience. Incorporating marketing par courrier électronique into your sales funnel enables you to distribute automated messages to subscribers and build a relationship with them. You can also monitor engagement with your email campaigns, to create segmented lists of your audience members.

Pour get started with email marketing, first determine your goals using the SMART approach (making sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Once you build up an initial contact list, you can choose an marketing par courrier électronique plate-forme :

The WordPress MailChimp plugin.

One of the easiest and most effective options is the MailChimp plugin. This solution enables you to use popup forms to attract email subscribers directly on your WordPress site.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to interact with their customers and increase brand awareness. One of the most important first steps is determining which channels are right for your business.

It's not enough to simply create a bunch of social media profiles and hope you gain a steady following on each. Instead, there are certain platforms that tend to be most beneficial for business marketing. Facebook is still the giant of the social media world, although newer platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram are also worth a look.

If you're just getting started, it's best to choose a few platforms to focus on, and create strategies for each one. If it's within your budget, it's also a good idea to hire a social media manager to handle your post scheduling and campaigns. Finally, you can integrate your social media accounts with your WordPress site to further boost engagement and automatically share new content.

4. Blogging

It's no secret that content is king online. Fortunately, starting a blog is a perfect way to share meaningful content with your audience. Doing this not only establishes you as a credible authority in your industry, but also helps your website rank better in search engines. In fact, adding a blog to your website can increase the likelihood of ranking well in search engines by 434%!

WordPress offers plenty of features that make blogging quick and easy. By following the right tutorials, you can create a WordPress blog in under 30 minutes. There's also a ton of free tools, themes, and plugins to help you improve the SEO of your content, and ways to automate social media integration.

Quand creating content for your blog, always keep the reader in mind. What questions do they need answers to, which you can provide? In addition, you'll want to make sure that each post is relevant and meaningful. Not only can this attract customers, but it can also help with search engines. You can use online tools such as Quora to find out what questions your target audience is asking:

A search on Quora.

Then, you can use the results as a springboard for coming up with new blog post ideas.

5. Affiliate Program Marketing

Marketing d'affiliation is an excellent way for businesses to gain passive income, increase brand visibility, and monetize their blogs. Participating in an affiliate program partnership enables people who value your product or service to help get the word out, and grow your following or customer base through a commission-based platform.

To make your affiliate marketing program a success, you'll need to focus on optimizing landing pages and links. One of the most effective ways to do this is through link rotation. Rotating links is a way to point a single link to multiple landing pages. This lets you split traffic from various affiliate programs through a single link, which is especially useful for affiliates who are marketing similar products.

You can also track the performance of individual pages, including conversions and leads:

The Pretty Links website.

If you're going to join an affiliate marketing program, we recommend downloading our own Prise Pretty Links. It comes with a link rotation feature that makes it easy to automate link placement, manage affiliate links, and keep track of your results.


Identifying the best marketing strategies for your business can be difficult. However, it’s important to adapt to today’s digital environment and evolve with new innovations and technologies.

As we've seen, the five types of online marketing strategies every business should try include:

  1. Optimisation des moteurs de recherche (SEO)
  2. Marketing par courrier électronique
  3. Marketing des médias sociaux
  4. Blogging
  5. Affiliate program marketing

What are some of the best online marketing strategies you've tried? Share your experiences in the comments section below!

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À propos de John Hughes

John est un accro du blog, un fanatique de WordPress et un rédacteur.
