3 Ways Pretty Links Can Skyrocket Your Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a big deal for online businesses. It can boost targeted traffic and improve website credibility – both of which could contribute toward significant growth in business conversions and sales. However, you may be undermining your site's potential through the use of inefficient, outdated, or incorrect optimization tactics.
One way to improve your SEO is with the use of “pretty links”. These are shortened links with a customized URL that can improve the visibility of your brand, and they offer a number of benefits. When used properly, they can also provide you with the ranking boost you need.
In this post, we'll show you 3 ways how pretty links can boost your search engine rankings. Then, you'll learn how our Pretty Links plugin can provide you with almost all the link shortening features you could need, as well as how to set up pretty links with SEO in mind.
1. Pretty Links Provide Built-in Branding
Branding is a marketing technique utilized by all kinds of businesses. You can use it to position your brand in the marketplace and help establish you as a well-known authority within your niche.
Branding is an important part of marketing and can greatly influence search engine rankings – as long as you know how to leverage it. For example, a well-reputed brand will receive more traffic to its site and gather more authentic backlinks as a direct result of marketplace exposure. This improves search engine rankings and places the site higher on search engine result pages (SERPs).
When it comes to branding, pretty links can be an effective tool. In short, they replace the original link (the target URL) with a version of your own brand name (known as a branded link). These links can be recognizable in their own right, expand your reach across the web (especially on social media), and improve your business' credibility.

2. Pretty Links Help Pass Along Link Juice
Have you ever wondered why backlinks are so highly regarded by search engines? It all comes down to “link juice” and the power it possesses. Link juice is a term that refers to the passing of value from one website to another. When you link out to a site, you're passing along some of your site's value, and the same occurs (in reverse) when another site links to you.
However, link juice is made possible with backlinks. These are links to your website from another place on the internet. Websites with authentic backlinks rank highly on search engines. This is because the more backlinks your site has, the more likely it is that your content is valuable and of high quality. This will greatly increase your website's chances of being on top in the SERPs.
Where pretty links come in is how they pass along link juice. Every link – pretty or not – passes along link juice, as long as it doesn't contain a nofollow attribute. This attribute is typically added to links on social media networks and can mean the difference between building backlinks or not.
However, URL shorteners (including Pretty Links) typically use permanent redirects, which bypasses any nofollow attributes added to links. This is useful for building backlinks that are copied from your social media profile, or any other site that automatically adds a nofollow attribute to links.
3. Pretty Links are Easier to Share
Aside from link juice, users who share links can also help to expand your reach by delivering your content to new audiences, which can contribute to your growth.
While sharing isn't a direct search engine ranking factor, it does contribute to your site's general standing. This is because a short, memorable link is easier to share. The more shares your link gets, the greater the number of backlinks you'll receive, which will impact your ranking positively.
Pretty links are easier to share, mainly due to their size. For a start, the shorter the link, the less chance of transcription mistakes. Of course, their size also makes them possible to share on social media platforms with character limits. Even on platforms without character limits, short links could be better perceived by your target audience, and more likely to be clicked and shared.

How Pretty Links Can Help You Boost Your Search Engine Rankings
As a premium URL shortener, Pretty Links enables you to professionally shorten links. However, this plugin does more than just shorten links – it also enables redirects (including both permanent and temporary ones), and provides the ability to track and monitor clicks and other statistics.
To begin reaping the benefits of Pretty Links, you'll first need to purchase a plan and install the plugin. Then, all you need to do is follow these simple steps, and you'll be on your way to improving your website's search engine rankings.
Pretty Links provides you with a number of benefits, including a pleasing look and easy-to-implement link tracking. In addition, the plugin can also help you expand your reach and boost your search engine rankings.
In this post, we've shown you 3 ways pretty links can boost your site's search engine rankings. To quickly recap, pretty links can:
- Provide built-in branding.
- Pass along link juice.
- Make sharing links easier.
Do you have any questions about using pretty links to boost search engine rankings, or how our plugin can help? Ask away in the comments section!
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